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FS2 Tutorial: More than Functional Streaming in Scala

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Getting Started | Upstash: Documentation

Hands-On GitOps Patterns for Helm Users

Using Ansible & Nomad for a homelab (part 1)

Getting Started with YugabyteDB, Temporal, and the Temporal-Maru Benchmarking Tool - The Distributed SQL Blog

GitHub - leaningtech/cheerp-compiler: Cheerp compiler based on LLVM monorepo

Writing an OS in Rust

GitHub - mcollina/autocannon: fast HTTP/1.1 benchmarking tool written in Node.js

Run Every Node.js Version in AWS Lambda

Getting Started

GitHub - yoav-lavi/melody: Melody is a language that compiles to regular expressions and aims to be more easily readable and maintainable

GitHub - Spread0x/mizu: API traffic viewer for Kubernetes enabling you to view all API communication between microservices. Think TCPDump and Wireshark re-invented for Kubernetes

5mins of Postgres E4: Writing your own custom Postgres aggregates with Rust or raw SQL

What's new in Pgpool-II 4.3?

GitHub - sergeche/create-ilf-editor: Проект редактора для конференции "Я ❤️ Фронтэнд"

GitHub - littlefs-project/littlefs: A little fail-safe filesystem designed for microcontrollers

GitHub - sekigon-gonnoc/Pico-PIO-USB: USB host/device implementation using PIO of raspberry pi pico (RP2040).

GitHub - OffcierCia/DeFi-Developer-Road-Map: DeFi Developer roadmap is a curated Web3.0 Developer handbook which includes a list of the best tools for DApps, development resources and lifehacks.

GitHub - algorithmica-org/algorithmica: New version of the website

GitHub - DataTalksClub/data-engineering-zoomcamp: Free Data Engineering course!

GitHub - dair-ai/GNNs-Recipe: A recipe to study Graph Neural Networks (GNNs)

GitHub - BishopFox/unredacter: Never ever ever use pixelation as a redaction technique

ailab/Real-CUGAN at main · bilibili/ailab

My Approach to Automatic Musical Composition

SNES Development Part 1: Getting Started

GitHub - gaogaotiantian/viztracer: VizTracer is a low-overhead logging/debugging/profiling tool that can trace and visualize your python code execution.

Use Streams to Build High-Performing Node.js Applications | AppSignal Blog

GitHub - Jacke/parallel-for: Automatically parallelize your for-comprehensions at compile time.

GitHub - Jacke/go-generics-the-hard-way: A hands-on approach to getting started with Go generics.

systemd by example - the systemd playground

GitHub - weinberg/SQLToy: An in-memory SQL database written in Javascript to demonstrate how SQL works.

GitHub - Spread0x/awesome-selfhosted: A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers

GitHub - iluwatar/java-design-patterns: Design patterns implemented in Java

GitHub - async-labs/builderbook: Open source web application to learn JS stack: React, Material-UI, Next.js, Node.js, Express.js, Mongoose, MongoDB database.

Introduction to Actors

My Dos and Donts in sbt Build Definitions

Setting Up | Atlas