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Разобраться как это работает (интероп между Бифунктором BIO и MonadError

Context Bound

It shouldn’t be surprising that context bounds are implemented with implicit parameters, given their definition. Actually, the syntax I showed are syntactic sugars for what really happens. See below how they de-sugar:

def g[A : B](a: A) = h(a)
def g[A](a: A)(implicit ev: B[A]) = h(a)

Not works

def t[
F[+_,+_]: izumi.functional.bio.BIOPrimitives: izumi.functional.bio.BIO, 
R[_] : Sync : MonadError[Throwable, ?]]
(t: R[Int])(implicit s: MonadError[F[Throwable, ?], Throwable]): F[Throwable, Int]
 = s.pure(10/1)


import $plugin.$ivy.`org.typelevel:kind-projector_2.13.2:0.11.0`
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.global
import doobie.util.ExecutionContexts
import izumi.functional._
import izumi.functional.bio._

~~i~~mport izumi.functional.bio.catz._
import cats._, cats.effect._, cats.implicits._
implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO]           = IO.contextShift(ExecutionContexts.synchronous)

def t[F[+_,+_]: izumi.functional.bio.BIOPrimitives: izumi.functional.bio.BIO : izumi.functional.bio.BIOApplicative, R[_] : Sync :MonadError[?[_], Throwable], B](t: R[B])(implicit s: MonadError[R, Throwable]): F[Throwable, Int] = MonadError[F[Throwable, ?], Throwable].pure(10 / 0)

def t[F[+_, +_]: BIOPrimitives: BIO, R[_]: Effect, B](t: R[B])(implicit cs: ContextShift[R]): F[Throwable, B] = {
  Concurrent[F[Throwable, ?]].liftIO(Effect[R].toIO(t))

Welcome to Chimney's documentation! - Chimney 0.5.2 documentation

Kai @neko-kai May 21 23:36
@Jacke If R[_] is a different type that isn't F[Throwable, ?], you could do it like this:

def t[F[+_, +_]: BIOAsync: BIOFork, R[_]: Effect, B](t: R[B]): F[Throwable, B] = {
  import izumi.functional.bio.catz._
  Concurrent[F[Throwable, ?]].liftIO(Effect[R].toIO(t))

t[zio.IO, cats.effect.IO, Int](cats.effect.IO(1))

def from[F[+_, +_]: BIOAsync: BIOFork, R[_]: Concurrent: ContextShift: Effect, B](t: F[_, B]): R[B] = {
  import izumi.functional.bio.catz._
  Effect[R].liftIO(Concurrent[F[Throwable, ?]].toIO(t))

def toCatsEffect[F[+_], R, A](zio: RIO[R, A])(implicit R: Runtime[R], F: LiftIO[F]): F[A] =

toCatsEffect[cats.effect.IO, Any, Int](res14)

implicit class RichZIO[F[+_], R, A](val self: RIO[R, A])(implicit R: Runtime[R], F: LiftIO[F]) extends AnyVal {
def toCatsEffect[F[+_], R, A]: F[A] = F.liftIO(taskEffectInstance.toIO(self))

implicit class SmellyZI[F[+_, +_]: BIOAsync: BIOFork, R[_]: Effect, B](t: R[B]) {
  def t: F[Throwable, B] = {
    import izumi.functional.bio.catz._
    Concurrent[F[Throwable, ?]].liftIO(Effect[R].toIO(t))

implicit class SmellyCattyyy[F[+_], R, A](zio: ZIO[R, Throwable, A])(implicit R: Runtime[R], F: LiftIO[F]) {
    def toCatsEffect: F[A] =



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