Learn the OpenSSL // Own CA


  • Set up your own CA
  • Create certificates
  • Try to use them in scripts

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How to create an SSH certificate authority

step-ca | Easily Manage Certificates For Production Workloads

How to act as a Certificate Authority (the Easy Way)

Private Certificate Authority - AWS Certificate Manager - Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Managed PKI Solutions

AWS Certificate Manager - Amazon Web Services (AWS)

How to Create Your Own SSL Certificate Authority for Local HTTPS Development

OpenSSL Certificate Authority - Jamie Nguyen

Create your own Certificate Authority

Generate Certificates - Open Distro for Elasticsearch Documentation

Expose web services at home via Tailscale for fun

Setting up a Remote Dev Environment When You're a Cloud Skeptic

You can use Tailscale with Kubernetes, you know

Tailscale for developers: Connect to your resources from Gitpod

Tailscale for developers: Connect to your resources from GitHub Codespaces

Access AWS RDS privately using Tailscale

Tailscale on AWS Lambda

Tailscale on AWS Lightsail

Tailscale on

Connect to an AWS VPC using subnet routes

Access your tailnet from OpenVSCode

Terminology and Concepts

GitHub - smallstep/certificates: ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ A private certificate authority (X.509 & SSH) & ACME server for secure automated certificate management, so you can use TLS everywhere & SSO for SSH. GitHub - sandyghai/Build-Your-Own-Certificate-Authority: Build your own Certificate Authority to implement certificate chain GitHub - samrocketman/my_internal_ca: A set of basic scripts for managing an internal certificate authority. certificate-authority ยท GitHub Topics ยท GitHub GitHub - jhthorsen/app-sslmaker: Be your own SSL certificate authority GitHub - radiac/caman: A self-signing certificate authority manager How to create an HTTPS certificate for localhost domains ยท GitHub GitHub - letsencrypt/boulder: An ACME-based certificate authority, written in Go. GitHub - latentflip/dev-cert-authority: Self-signed certs for development GitHub - devilbox/cert-gen: Generate CA and self-signed SSL certificates usable in your browser for local development. GitHub - llekn/openssl-ca: Shell scripts to manage a private Certificate Authority using OpenSSL GitHub - rabbitmq/tls-gen: Generates self-signed x509/TLS/SSL certificates useful for development GitHub - FiloSottile/mkcert: A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like. GitHub - etdey/ SSL certificate authority script package for creating and signing your own SSL/TLS certificates GitHub - akanass/self-signed-certificate-with-custom-ca: Generate self signed certificate with a custom CA for your development process and make all browsers happy with a lock in the address bar GitHub - mikegioia/pki: Certificate Authority management suite GitHub - google/easypki: Creating a certificate authority the easy way Generate a self-signed certificate with a custom CA ยท GitHub GitHub - TotallyInformation/SelfSigned-Cert-Creator: A short script to make it easy to create a viable, trusted self-signed certificate that can be used for SSL/TLS in particular. kubernetes-the-hard-way/ at master ยท kelseyhightower/kubernetes-the-hard-way ยท GitHub GitHub - olivierlemasle/java-certificate-authority: A Java Certificate Authority (CA), with web GUI and CLI Managing your organization's SSH certificate authorities - GitHub Enterprise Cloud Docs GitHub - zeus911/certificate-authority-1: Certificate Authority Certificate and Certificate Authority creation tool (for UnrealIRCd) ยท GitHub GitHub - jetstack/google-cas-issuer: cert-manager issuer for Google CA Service simple-ca/ at master ยท jcmoraisjr/simple-ca ยท GitHub GitHub - kairoaraujo/goca: Golang Certificate Authority (CA) package Certificate-Authority-Situational-Awareness/CASA System Design Document 160331.pdf at master ยท nsacyber/Certificate-Authority-Situational-Awareness ยท GitHub Kubernetes kubelet-certificate-authority on premise with kubespray causes certificate validation error for master node ยท Issue #6760 ยท kubernetes-sigs/kubespray ยท GitHub Certificate-Authority-Situational-Awareness/ at master ยท nsacyber/Certificate-Authority-Situational-Awareness ยท GitHub GitHub - hakwerk/labca: A private Certificate Authority for internal (lab) use, based on the open source ACME Automated Certificate Management Environment implementation from Let's Encrypt (tm). GitHub - SethRobertson/CA-baka: Simple X509 Certificate Authority/Generation Script (The sysadmin's and network security developer's best friend) Certificate-Authority-Situational-Awareness/CASA_Documentation_SplunkCriteria.txt at master ยท nsacyber/Certificate-Authority-Situational-Awareness ยท GitHub GitHub - NLnetLabs/krill: RPKI Certificate Authority and Publication Server written in Rust Setup a minimal certificate authority. #ca #minimal-ca #certificate #certificate-authority ยท GitHub GitHub - nerves-hub/nerves_hub_ca: NervesHub Certificate Authority GitHub - csdvrx/sixel-tmux: sixel-tmux is a fork of tmux, with just one goal: having the most reliable support of graphics mapdns/main.go at main ยท bahlo/mapdns ยท GitHub GitHub - miekg/dns: DNS library in Go GitHub - mattn/tailscale-systray: Linux port of tailscale system tray menu.